Extraescolars - Escola Mata de Jonc
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196 entrades en total: ... | 90 | 95 | 100 | 105 | 110 | 115 | 120 | 125 | 130 |...

26 març 2014

Secret information

Extraescolars, Primària

In this activity, students had to exchange ’secret’ information in pairs or in groups of 3. They had to describe their partners some drawings that they should draw, and viceversa. Once they finish (...)

20 març 2014

Movers group

Extraescolars, Primària

First, students cut out the objects of the bedroom they are about to create for themselves. It’s a very complete bedroom with full furniture and accessories! Then, in pairs, they have to (...)

19 març 2014

Role play activity

Extraescolars, Secundària

In this role play activity, students have to choose either a policeman or suspect role. They prepare questions/answers to say to each other at the moment of declaration. The suspects have to (...)

17 març 2014

Extraescolar d’handbol. Un clàssic matajonquer

Extraescolars, Primària

Benvolguts matajonquers! L’handbol és un esport molt minoritari, així i tot, a la nostra escola és un dels més coneguts, ja que el practicam des de fa molts anys. Jugant-hi ens ho passam molt bé i (...)

14 març 2014

Carnival and Saint Valentine’s day

Extraescolars, Infantil

Hello families! Last month we had a great time in our English lessons! It was carnival and Saint Valentine’s day! For Saint Valentine’s day we made a lovely card to say how much we love our (...)

196 entrades en total: ... | 90 | 95 | 100 | 105 | 110 | 115 | 120 | 125 | 130 |...